American Community Survey (ACS) Atlas Collection
Map nerds rejoice!
Earlier this year, Esri’s ArcGIS Living Atlas team released the American Community Survey (ACS) Atlas Collection, a suite of interactive mapping applications with current (2019 – 2023) U.S. survey data. The Collection features a variety of information about demographics, housing, and social and economic characteristics. Users can explore average commute times, income disparities, remote work rates, among dozens of other metrics.
The American Community Survey (ACS) is a data collection and dissemination program under the U.S. Census Bureau that provides annually updated information on national population, economic, and housing data. In addition to assisting businesses and researchers, ACS survey information is used to determine how more than $675 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year.
The new ACS Atlas Collection is the latest tool for visualizing and analyzing data about life in the US. The Collection is free to use, but those with an ArcGIS account can also save their own copies of maps and run more complex analyses of the data.