APA 2024 Trend Report for Planners

The American Planning Association (APA) recently released its annual trend report for 2024. In it, are themes and predictions pertinent to the planning field, along with recommendations for how professionals can prepare for whatever lies ahead. The report is structured around urgency, emphasizing which trends require immediate action and which can be placed on the back burner . . . at least for the time being. Here’s a brief overview of the trends to look out for:

Act Now (High Urgency)

  1. Planning in the AI era

  2. Looming climate impact and adaptation

  3. Climate mitigation

  4. Housing challenges

  5. Political polarization

  6. Transportation inequities

  7. The value of youth

Prepare (Medium Urgency)

  1. Global economic dynamics

  2. Immersive cities

  3. Job evolution

  4. Polycrisis

  5. Emerging forms of transportation

  6. Changes in retail

Learn and Watch (Low Urgency)

  1. Innovation in the energy sector

  2. Geoengineering to mitigate climate change

  3. Game changing innovations

  4. New Spaces

While it is impossible to know exactly what the future will bring, identifying trends may help us to better prepare for what lies ahead. The full trend report from the APA is available online here.


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