Backyard home offices

Even as people are returning to the office - I know of at least a few people who are still working from home indefinitely. So what do you do when you don’t have a permanent workspace? If you’re in a small home without a dedicated office, or have a hard time fully getting into ‘work mode’ with pets, kids, partners nearby? Well, a company up in Ham Lake, Latitude Studios, came up with a fairly creative solution: repurposed shipping containers!

Check out this article, Ham Lake company turning used shipping containers into backyard home offices, to see some examples of their work. They even can convert to a backyard tiki bar. The shipping containers aren’t cheap - prices run from $10,000 to $25,000. But if you’re someone who has to, for example finish a basement to get a dedicated workspace, the pricing might just be comparable. Now my question - are these considered ADU’s?



Entangled Life


I see in my crystal ball…