Community in Crisis

“When written in Chinese the word “crisis” is composed of two characters.

One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”

– John F. Kennedy

Our community has been in and continues to face a crisis. 

The character representing danger has had recent and long-term milestones in our community. Danger as distinct and specific as the death of George Floyd. Danger associated with long-term disparities and injustice stretched over generations. Danger as destructive as recent riots. Danger of the pandemic’s global impact of lost lives, livelihoods and the ability to plan for our future. And now there is a feeling of danger when faced with a question of can we do enough to repair the damage becoming more and more apparent during this difficult time.  

The character representing opportunity shines especially bright in the wake of this week’s turmoil. How do we take a strong hold and maintain the light of what we have learned and need to learn?  We have had opportunity as distinct and specific as neighbors assembling for street clean up. Opportunity to donate funds, food, supplies to restore devastated areas and outreach to further relationships. Opportunity for our community’s leadership to work together to make more lasting progress. There is a new calm in the city as I write this - the silence is our space to expand how we listen and build opportunity for new, cooperative milestones in the time ahead.

- Ellison  


Planners Make Change


WHO releases guide on urban planning and public health