In-Person is Better

I got back out into the community this week. I hadn’t had an in-person meeting all year – in fact, I’ve been working in a community since last summer and haven’t met anyone in person. Meetings over Zoom are effective and we are getting good work accomplished. But there’s nothing like meeting face to face. In one community I visited several business owners to look at their properties and operations. We stood outside in the sun and talked about their businesses, how things had been going, and what changes they’d like to make. I felt a personal connection and investment in the goals of the businesses and the community. I grabbed lunch with a co-worker, and we talked and laughed. Later, I attended a small group meeting. We had a conundrum to dig in on, and being in the room together, even though masked, took us a few steps further down the road towards a way forward. Working with people, getting to know them, solving problems together, chatting – it’s what makes my job fun and motivates me to get out there. Happy spring everyone!



What She Said


“Over-the-counter” ADUs