It’s Fall! (Seriously, how is it Fall already?)

I love Fall in Minnesota even though it feels like the shortest season of the year.  Last night I took Marti for a walk down at the river and she was ecstatic! Why? Leaves people, leaves!  They are her favorite, she likes to run in them, play with them, eat them, and don’t forget chase bunnies and squirrels through them.  Who needs fancy dog toys when you have leaves! It was pure joy – just look at her!

It’s the perfect time in the season where there is a spectacular mix of red, orange, yellow and green on the trees that seem to illuminate the sky, rain or shine.  Even though there is the impending doom of winter, for some reason my mind can mostly ignore this unfortunate reality and just enjoy the sound of the leaves crunching under my feet. (I’m not going to lie; the Halloween Blizzard of 1991 did cross my mind…I mean it is 2020).

Is this about planning? Well, sort of.  The Mississippi River trail is a block and half from my house, I run and walk on it almost daily. I think it’s one of the most picturesque roadways and trail segments in Saint Paul, arguably in the state. As I walked down the path, I found myself deep in thought thankful that our City’s early planners had enough foresight to protect this corridor as a public amenity so many years ago. Pretty awesome.

And just like that, my thoughts were interrupted yet again as Marti bolted for a squirrel.





A stroke of Venus