Rack Stars: Bike Parking for Commuters

The new SHC office has a variety of amenities and features – a coffee shop, lots of natural light, and . . . a well-placed bike rack. Simple and U-shaped, the bike rack is conveniently located just off the parking lot, making bike commuting a breeze. Gone are the days of carrying a bike up a flight of stairs at the start of the workday.

The practicality and cost-effectiveness of bike racks cannot be overstated. While the average car parking stall can cost around $10,000 per space (including the value of the land that they occupy), a typical bike corral might cost less than $1,000 and occupies a fraction of the real estate. In a 2019 study, it was also found that those who walk or cycle to work are among the most satisfied commuters. There are countless other benefits to providing and encouraging cycling to work, so businesses and workplaces at large stand a lot to gain from providing secure bike parking. 

Recognizing the importance of accommodating cyclists, Minnesota State Statute (§2400.2830) mandates that off-street parking facilities include at least one secure bicycle space for every 20 motor vehicle stalls. Despite this regulation, bike parking can still be difficult to find, posing a challenge for many cyclists.

Some cities and businesses are getting creative with their bike parking solutions. Transforming standard U-shaped corrals into sculptural works of art, these innovative designs are not only functional but also add a splash of color, playfulness, and visual interest to the urban landscape. By incorporating artistic elements, bike racks can enhance the aesthetic appeal of city streets and public spaces.

Providing bike parking is such a small and cost-effective way to encourage and support cyclists. Corrals can even enhance the aesthetics of a space and can speak volumes about who is welcome.  


Carbucks & Drive-Thru Bans


It was time…for a move!