School and Video Games

One professor at University of Texas Austin is changing how he teaches Japanese history - because of a video game.

This article goes through more details, but essentially a group of students decided to make a video game about ancient Japan. Through the research they needed to do to make it historically accurate, even all the graphics, this professor realized that they learned more than he could teach in one semester.

I think this could be a really interesting concept in schools. From my experience, kids, teens, or in this case, young adults, would be more motivated to learn and more engaged in the classroom if they are doing an activity like coding up a video game.

Along these same lines - when I was a kid and playing softball, my coach told us to go home and play some video games a few times a week because it would help our hand-eye coordination.

Check out the article!


The Abundant Wildlife of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ)


Good news, too late for summer?