SHC enters their Teens!

Let’s hope it isn’t as painful as middle school…

The past couple of weeks I have received numerous messages, texts and emails congratulating me for my work anniversary. I honestly cannot believe it has been 13-years since SHC was born. While I always knew that I wanted my own company, truth be told I had no plans to start it when I did.  But life does not always work out as planned, even for those of us that call ourselves “planners” by profession. Nevertheless, I took a chance and decided it was a great time to give it a go (which by the way turned out completely wrong as we slid into the Great Recession – but hey, you live and you learn, right?)  Fortunately, I was able to land a few contracts that were enough to keep me busy, and slowly the business grew to where we are today. In the early days it was just me, but today I have a team of three awesome women and an arsenal of fantastic partners.

So, on my 13th Anniversary (or more accurately, SHC’s) I want to say, Thank You!

Thank you to all our clients - without you we would not exist.  Thank you to all our partnerships - we hope we are lucky enough to keep working with you for years to come. And finally, thank you to my team - your dedication and commitment to making great projects, places and communities keeps me focused on our true mission.   



Public spaces this summer


Office Pups