
Have you heard of Superblocks within a City? I hadn’t until I came across this article from 2019 about how Barcelona has been implementing “Superblocks.” The idea of Superblocks is to restrict through vehicle traffic to around the perimeter of about 9 city blocks. See the image below, from the Urban Mobility Plan of Barcelona 2013 - 2018.

Then, the interior of the Superblock is limited to residential traffic with a low speed limit. The block and the streetscape is given back to residents for street festivals, children playing, farmers markets, etc.

I think it’s an interesting concept. I think something like a Superblock being implemented in American Cities would have a lot of value and it reminds me a little bit of a 15 minute city. The idea that pedestrians would be able to walk, bike, possibly shop without the worry of speeding cars is appealing. It also reminds me of an Italian piazza - squares where cars do drive (but not as a thoroughfare), markets are set up, people walking around, children running.

I think the idea of a Superblock could have traction in the America, especially as we continue to have conversations about walkability, pedestrian-friendly design or even 15 minute cities.

Check out the article linked above, this article and the video below that Vox made about Superblocks.



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