Togetherness by Design

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This week our country lost a talented designer, Milton Glaser. You might be familiar with some of his work, perhaps most notably his
I ♥  New York logo designed in the late 1970’s.  As a New York native and gifted artist he managed to capture how residents and tourists alike feel about the city in a simple and timeless graphic.  More recently he was creating a new design of the word “Together.” A design intended for and about another place and population - the New York Public Schools and its million+ students that may return this fall. The power of the design’s message “we have something in common” with a collection of different letters side-by-side is likely to transcend school walls and geographic boundaries. Mr. Glaser’s long life and legacy is an inspiration for my work as an urban planner – to seek a shared identity while supporting diversity within communities and advancing a welcoming spirit that lasts for decades.  Read more at The New York Times.


Image: Milton Glaser

Source: Milton Glaser’s Unseen Design for New York: ‘Together’
New York Times, Jeremy Elias, June 29, 2020


The Summer Garden


A different type of planning