Epcot = The City of Tomorrow?

Epcot, the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow.

We all have heard of the theme park Epcot in Orlando, Florida where you can go around the world all in one day. But did you know that is now what Walt Disney intended when he envisioned building Epcot? According to the article, Walt Disney’s radical vision for a new kind of city, Disney was hoping to create a planned community, a ‘living blueprint of the future'. You can watch him explain his vision for Epcot in the 25 minute video below, starting at about the 10:30 minute mark. The futuristic city is based on a radial plan and includes: a business center, high-density apartments, recreation space, and low-density housing.

Unfortunately, Walt Disney passed away just a few weeks after this video was filmed and the idea for the Experimental Community faded away and Epcot became the amusement park we all know today.

Check out this website for more information about the original plans for Epcot: The Original E.P.C.O.T Project


The Ambiance of a City


Changed Sense of Time