Once in a Blue Moon

Keeping my theme going from my other blog – another one about space! This time it’s about the moon. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘Once in a Blue Moon.’ If you’re like me, you thought it was about something that has a pretty low chance of happening. Blue Moons don’t exist! Well, I was wrong. Blue Moons do exist, and they happen pretty frequently – every few years or so. A blue moon simply means that it’s the second full moon in a calendar month. (There are some other ways of defining a Blue Moon; this is the most agreed upon.)

October 2020 was kind of a special month. We had a harvest moon on October 1, 2020 (full moon closest to the autumn equinox, last one in October until 2028!) and we’re going to have a Blue Moon on October 31, 2020. Spooky! Normally, this would probably cause some fun Halloween shenanigans (or at least some puns) but not this year...that’s a whole other topic!

So when you look up into the sky this Halloween, the moon isn’t going to look any different but you’ll know that there’s something a little special about it.

And be careful about what you’ll say will happen ‘once in a Blue Moon’ – the next one is August 31, 2023!


Click here for more info about the blue moon, including some cool lore!


Economics of Halloween


There’s more to it than just Zoom fatigue.