The City will Survive COVID

Last year, I had read some articles about COVID-19 and the threat of another pandemic might be the tipping point for cities. Citizens might be afraid of living in high density areas, people might not be as willing to go to large gatherings or won’t be as comfortable taking public transit. The reasons why people live in the city is also at stake! Restaurants are closing, festivals and concerts aren’t happening, and there is nothing “vibrant” about a downtown right now.

Personally, I’ve questioned my desire to live in a city. There’s not a real timeline on when events will start happening - and if they start happening, will people be comfortable attending? So, why not live a little farther out with a bigger house and a bigger yard and just drive in when I decide I need a city night?

Well, in this article “Why COVID-19 won’t kill cities” two scholars make the argument that cities will endure and we have nothing to worry about. It may take a while for the vibrancy to return, but return it will. If you’re interested, I highly recommend reading the full article!



The Erie Streets of Superbowl Sunday


2021 Arrived this week.