The Line - a City of the Future?

Located in Saudi Arabia, The Line, a futuristic city that claims will house 9 million people in 13 square miles. The Line was announced in January 2021 which invoked mixed responses from the world. It’s quite an interesting idea that is somewhat reminiscent of the Jetsons, to me anyway. I don’t think I could explain it in a way that does it justice, so check out the official promo video below!

When it was announced, my first thought was “no way, there’s no way that will ever be built.” However, as October 2022, construction has started! (Confirmed by drone video!) It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Will they have "zoning” within the building? Or will one section be for commercial/retail uses, one for services, one for food, etc.? I’m very curious to see how this will play out. Will construction finish? Will people even move into it? Only time will tell!

What do you think about this concept?



Digital Urban Planning


Repurposed Infrastructure