Yep, you can map that…

The world is full of information, and when it is mapped it becomes especially interesting.  For our projects we use many standard data sets – streets, municipal boundaries, bodies of water, etc. But we love to think beyond the expected and bring in and map additional sets of data you might otherwise see listed in a table or narrative to begin to answer our client’s or our own questions.  

This might include future transit infrastructure, average housing costs, neighborhood amenities, or where people live who access public services. Each individual map is a small part of the story of what takes place across a specific geography at a specific point in time. By comparing maps, observing patterns and bringing these observations to the next conversation is what adds value to our work.  Others are using this approach like the National Park Service. They have outfitted bears with GPS collars to map where the animals travel, spend time and eat across the Great Smoky Mountains – hope you enjoy this mapping as much as I do.



The St. Croix


Economics of Halloween