APA Recommended Books for 2023

The Journal of the American Planning Association has recommended five books for Urban Planners to read in 2023. Check out the list here with reviews! For an abridged list, continue reading.

  • Resisting Garbage: The Politics of Waste Management in American Cities by Lily Baum Pollans.

  • Fixer-Upper: How to Repairs America’s Broken Housing Systems by Jenny Schuetz.

  • Spent Behind the Wheel: Drivers’ Labor in the Uber Economy by Julietta Hua and Kasturi Ray.

  • The Swamp Peddlers by Jason Vuic (Explains how Florida, become Florida).

  • The Paradox of Urban Revitalization by Howard Gillette, Jr.

Personally the ones that sounds the most interesting to me are Spent Behind the Wheel and The Swamp Peddlers. Take a look at the books and see which one sounds most interesting to you!


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